
1:08:00 pm

so, last night, i accomplished something that i have not been able to do for weeks on end.

this accomplishment has put me in a state of shock-----so much so that i ordered a combination pizza from cicero's, this amazingly delectable italian restaurant down the street. the pizza guy gets here. i forgot to mention to them i was paying by credit card. so, he says it's ok and he'll go grab his credit card equipment while i call up the restaurant again to give them my card number for verification

so, pizza guy comes back up. i sign the paper. i almost stole his pen just like i stole pd quick delivery man's pen. maybe i'm unconsciously getting back at kozmo delivery boy for stealing my pen, although none of these delivery people are connected in any way.

alright, let's get back on track.....um, where were we? oh, yes, so as I was saying....i was in so much shock due to my accomplishment that I also put in my left contact lenses on the right eye and vice-versa.

ah, heck. i don't know what i'm saying. so, the accomplishment was that i fell asleep around 9ish. i actually fell asleep before 1:45 am, although i tried very hard, almost excruciatingly hard to stay awake. even the couple upstairs, or maybe they're from next door, failed to keep me awake for more than 30 seconds every time i heard them thumping, screaming, and cussing. no, they weren't thumping, screaming, and cussing in that way. get your mind out of the gutter, although i do hear that every once in awhile. so, anyway, i think the couple were having a HUGE fight. it was almost scary. things were crashing and he was yelling, "how could you do this to me!?!" i swear, they have fights like once every two weeks. on two seperate occasions, i heard her crying. i wonder what they look like. this morning, i woke at 10am, with the lights and computer still on, wondering if she was still alive. scary shit.

anyway, i have this horrible habit of staying way, way, way past my bed-time. i must say i probably sleep on average about 5 hours/night. it's taking a toll on my body, my mind, my thoughts, my work, my actions. i am late to work practically every single damn day and i only live 10 fucking local traffic minutes away from work. i'm in a crabby mood. i must be on my period. that's what woody allen would say. i just saw "annie hall" earlier during the week. great movie and god, my favorite part was the emergency call scene with the spider deal. my god, it reminded me of myself! i used to do that. remember, the keyword here is "used to." i think woody allen, as far as that movie goes, has it down with how relationships go. amazing. loved it. related to it. i love anything i can relate to.

shit. tonight, i'm going to meet up with another stranger from the internet. he's got preview passes for "meet the parents." i think i'm only in on it because i want to say i went to a preview for "meet the parents." i'm horrible. i'm a user. i'm, i'm, i'm ah, i'm cruel. i want to go back in the office on monday and be able to satisfy everyone's question of "so, what did you do this weekend?"

so, anyway, i've had a little problem getting online at home the last couple of days. internet explorer had a bad preference file and i kept getting that type 2 error message that macs get whenever i tried to launch ie or outlook. finally, a mac tech helped me out. it was such a simple solution. all i had to do was throw out the old internet preferences file. i'm back on! yay! time to reply to emails and update here.

time to actually drag myself out of my nest and socialize. i haven't been in a very sociable mood for weeks now. people are asking why i don't call them or return calls. heck, i don't feel like hearing the yakking, ok? people are asking why i don't just go out and have fun with them...go dancing, go drinking, go hang out, go eat, etc. etc. well, i haven't felt like hanging with any of you, ok? understand? i needed some 'alone' time to myself. i was busy taking pictures of myself, too busy shopping for myself, too busy cooking for myself, too busy building webpage artwork for myself about myself. i've just been too busy into me, ok? ok. good. if you wanna drag me out of my hole, then you gotta inspire me in one way or another. for example:

1) do not and i repeat, do not continually tell me how smart or beautiful i am and everything sweet in between. i know you too well. you don't charm me anymore. (mr.shortie)

2) do not ask me over and over again if you bore me. that just tells me you are insecure with yourself and how the heck am i supposed to answer that without making you feel bad and without lying at the same time? (mr. shortie)

3) do not tell me things you have already told me because that bores me. (mr. shortie)

4) do not tell me you want to take me out on a date when i keep telling you that i only want to hang out as friends. don't you get it? sure, you can pay for me, but you ain't gonna get anything more than my company. (mr. shortie & mr. sd)

5) do not ask me how my cushie or kitty is doing and that you can give it some healing. you are sick, sick, sick! i wouldn't let your salami get anywhere near my precious gem. plus, i think you stole my book of american slangs, you cheap-ass. i also heard you fart while you were going pee in my bathroom. ack! (mr. blondie, aka mr. feet)

now, go visit some of these links, but only, and i really mean, only after you go through and read my other stuff and only after you write me. understand? ok. good.

esol my clubaholic, well-dressed, flirty web buddy. i wanna see you in those leather pants. woohoo! come flirt with me. i'm a flirt, too. but, a good, innocent flirt. heh. go ahead and e-pimp me. i want ya to be my pimp daddy and serve ya customers with sweet sugar plums that'll put a big, fat, sweet smile on their face.;)

candi my awesome, smart-ass, firey red-headed web buddy. hey, i think i look horrible in glasses, too. i'm still hunting for a pair of glasses that will miraculously look decent on me. i want that sexy, librarian look. right now, i just look like a nerdy librarian. in the meantime, my contacts will do just fine.

megan another awesome and beautiful red-head web buddy. i have to agree with you about candi. she's my idol, too, but so are you. :) you guys are great!

riothero--he looks cute...at least i think it's him on his site. you are cute, riothero. i'm a flirt. hey, i saw magnolia, too. thanks for pointing this out. interesting. love it.

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Did you miss me? - Sunday, Jun. 12, 2005
go away, leave me alone - Thursday, Mar. 10, 2005
Hola, �c�mo est� usted? - Friday, Feb. 25, 2005
a cousin once removed - Thursday, Feb. 10, 2005
creepy crawlies - Monday, Feb. 07, 2005

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