Friday, Jun. 21, 2002

6:05 p.m.

So I'm driving down the 405 South towards Torrance to pick-up these 500 postcards I did for a client when the phone rings. I snap on my newly bought hands free never been used cell phone headset and I see that it's the employer who wants to hire me:

"Hi Rachel. This is Joe Employer. I'm calling to let you know that you're hired."

That was this morning right before high noon. So yeah....I got the job! Woohoo! I start Monday and have my first meeting with a huge client on Wednesday. I'll be going in to fill out paperwork and going over the job details, benefits, etc. Monday morning so I still don't know exactly how much I'll be getting, but I'm sure it's somewhere between that number he mentioned and the number I mentioned, if not the number I asked for. I'm so ecstatic! I'm ready to work again, yet not so ready to go back to full-time. Perhaps he'll be pretty lenient with the work hours.


I was just laying around on my little sofa chair when Puma decided to crawl up on me. His left front paw stepped over my hungry stomach and it started making all kinds of noises. Puma didn't move and just stood there listening, trying to figure out where the noises were coming from. I thought it was so funny that I starting busting up. My Puma cat is just so damn cute!


The postcards came out just gorgeous! I am quite happy with the print job and am definitely going to use this vender again. While at the UPS center to send off the cards to my client, who's located in San Diego, the nice man in front of me helped me out with my form. I guess he noticed I forgot to put the insurance amount....which makes me think he was a bit nosy in the first place.....looking at my form. Nonetheless, it was nice of him to help me out.


I then met up with a friend at 3rd St Promenade for lunch. Afterwards, I stopped by RiteAid to pick up some stuff. The lady at the register told me that she liked me hair. I was so delighted to hear that and told her that she just made my day since I did not even realize my hair looked nice. "I like the color and the's very pretty." Then I realized she wasn't the only one who made my day.....first it was finding out I just got hired, then the postcards, and then her compliment. Now that I think of it, my friend who met me for lunch told me he liked me hair. :)


Ok, that's it for today. Dinner time.


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go away, leave me alone - Thursday, Mar. 10, 2005
Hola, �c�mo est� usted? - Friday, Feb. 25, 2005
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