Saturday, Sept. 29, 2001

4:50 p.m.

The Scene: Best Buy

The Time: After work, ~ 6:30pm

The Victim: Female, age:28, height: 5'4", weight: 126, eyes: rootbeer brown, hair: blk/brn & half-way down her back.

The Outfit on Victim: khaki-colored pedalpusher-like pants and a cropped army-looking tank that ties together where your belly-button lies, thus showing a little bit of bare waist, and 3-inch slip-ons.

The ManShark: Male, age: 22, height: approx. 5'5"?, weight: 165?, eyes: dark brown, hair: short, wavy black.

The Outfit on ManShark: Can't remember...oh, was a blue top, a shade darker than the ones the Best Buy employees wear.

After work, I didn't feel like going straight home, despite the fact that I was kinda tired and kinda not tired.

I decided to go aisle-shopping at Best Buy and see if there'd be any cool, new gadgets....more specifically, something small, portable that can play music while I work out at the gym. I already own a cheap, portable imitation walkman that Bally's gave me when I first joined two years ago, so that wasn't big on my list. Checked out the Minidisc/Mp3 players, which would be totally cool, but they cost too much to afford at this moment. Damnit!

So, off to the computer zone, where I grabbed a $10 Labtec desk mic for my computer. I thought it might be fun to have if I come across chatting with a certain someone named Eric, who has barked for me a few times. Hi Eric. Now, I can bark back. Don't worry, I won't reveal your last name. Not yet, at least. Heh. Evil girl, me.

As I was standing there, looking at the mics, a manshark approached me. He was shorter than I, dark hair, dark eyes, young looking.

ManShark: Hi. Do you go to school around here?

Me: [laughing] Oh, no. I've been out of school for awhile,so I work now.

ManShark: Oh. Do you like your work?

Me: Yes and no, just like any job.

Break I went back looking at the package in my hands. Manshark sorta walks away and then comes back in 2-3 seconds.

ManShark: Are you a model?

Me: [blush, laugh] No. Oh, no, I'm not.

ManShark: [looking me up and gestering] Oh, well, you have a nice body.

Me: [still blushing, feeling my face heat up 10 degrees] Uh, thanks.

ManShark: Do you always look this way? I mean, in shape.

Me: [laughing] Well, I would hope so.

ManShark: Do you work out?

Me: Actually, yeah, I've been working out pretty steadily for two months now.

Break So, I go back to looking at the box in my hands and he sorta walks down the aisle a bit and comes back within another few seconds.

ManShark: Would you like to have dinner sometime? Maybe I can call you or know just become friends.

Me: [giggling] That is if you have my number. Let me think about it and get back to you.

ManShark: [turning slightly away and looking down] Well, that's ok, you can say no if you want.

Me:[feeling kinda bad] Tell you what, why don't you give me your card and I'll let you know?

ManShark: [looking surprised and helpless] Uh, oh. I don't have a card. I'm just a student.

Me: [feeling like the older, wiser woman i am] Oh. Where are you going to school?

ManShark: UCLA.

Me: Oh. My sister went there.

ManShark: [Stuttering a bit] You, you mean, a younger sister?

Me: Yes, a YOUNGER sister. How old are you anyway?

ManShark: 22.

Me: [thinking i'm way out of his league as i don't go for guys 7 yrs younger than me] Oh, my. You are REALLY young.

And that was the end of it. I don't recall how we ended the conversation. I think he realized I was more interested in the package in my hands than with him, so he went back to his buddies. Yes, he was standing with a few of his buddies. And now, I wonder, if they had dared him to come up to me. Who knows. Nonetheless, it was fun.

I must admit, I have a lot of admiration for guys who actually have the guts to go up to a girl and ask her out cold, especially the really young ones who look all timid and scared. It's sweet.

On the other hand, I don't think so highly of those who straight out tell me how much they admire my body or my other physical aspects. It just makes me think they are solely interested in my body, which sucks. I am no fucking girl-toy.

Tonight, I am heading down to Cerritos for a BBQ and have me a couple of beers with some older folks closer to my age. Smirnoff, here I come.


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