Tuesday, Oct. 09, 2001

12:59 p.m.

Ok, I've never posted more than once in the same day, but here I am doing just that. I can't help it. I need to get something off my chest.

Last Thursday, we ran out of spray mount at work and I so desperately needed some. See, I'm addicted to that stuff. I've been using it practically every day for the past several months. Anyway, the person who usually orders it is on vacation, which meant I had to drive down to Graphaids (this art store) to pick some up. And, there's this cute guy with one of the most beautiful pair of eyes that works there. (I think he kinda likes me...just a vibe I get.)

So, I get over there, park, and walk in. Within 2 seconds, Beautiful Eyes jumps out in front of me from nowhere. I swear, he does this every time. I walk down an aisle, and he just sorta appears in front of me without warning, not even footsteps.

Here's how our conversation went:

Beautiful Eyes: May I help you?

Me: [Raising an eyebrow & smirking.] Why, yes. Spray mount. I need spray mount.

Beautiful Eyes: Ok! Spray mount you'll get.

And so I followed him towards the back of the store where the spray mount is located on the side wall.

Beautiful Eyes: Super 77?

Note: Super 77 is super strength and powerful.

Me: Why, yes. LOTS of it.

Beautiful Eyes: Lots of it? Hmmm? Ok. (he thinks i'm kidding.)

We reach the shelf where there are 12 cans left.

Beautiful Eyes: How many would you like?

Me: All of it. All 12 cans.

Beautiful Eyes: Wow. You weren't kidding were you?

Me: Nope.

So he goes and gets me a basket and we fill it with the cans.

Beautiful Eyes: I'll take these up to the front for you. Is there anything else you need?

Me: Yeah, I need X-Acto blades. LOTS of it.

Beautiful Eyes: [looking at me with interest as if he's wondering what i'm going to do with all this spray mount & blades] Lots of it?How many do you need? Two boxes of 100?

Me: Oh, just one box will do.

Beautiful Eyes: Darn!

Me: I'm going to go look at rulers while you take those up front.

Beautiful Eyes: Ok.

so i walk back to the ruler section and pick up a 12-incher. as i do so, beautiful eyes comes back.

Beautiful Eyes: You know, we also have these extra long rulers. [he points to the 3 foot long ones.]

Me: [in a flirty tone, looking straight into his eyes] Oh, that's ok, I like them short.

Beautiful Eyes: [with a shocked look] REALLY???

Me: Really.

he totally got it. we get to the cash register and he rings me up, using our company credit. he bags my purchases.

Beautiful Eyes: Would you like some help carrying these out?

Me: No, that's ok. I've been working out, so I think I'll be able to handle it.

Beautiful Eyes: Oh, ok....I won't say anymore, otherwise I'll get myself in trouble.

and i just laugh, grab my bags and walk out the door. as i popped the trunk open and placed in my bags, i noticed Beautiful Eyes was standing outside the store, not more than 15 feet away, lighting up a cigarette.

So, Beautiful Eyes and I had some chemistry going on, ya know....he totally got all my flirty whatever you would call its. It was fun and I was good. It's moments like these that make me feel on top of the world, like I could get away with almost anything. I went back to the office and told my coworkers what happened. They responded with comments like, "Oh my god, you didn't?! You are such a flirt!" And, as I was telling someone (Eric) this story last night, he responded with, "You are a tease."

A "tease" I thought. Yes, exactly. That's exactly what I was doing....being a tease. And it made sense why Beautiful Eyes would go outside for a smoke as soon as I left the store. AND, I realized that I love the feeling of being a tease.

My Heroes:





Did you miss me? - Sunday, Jun. 12, 2005
go away, leave me alone - Thursday, Mar. 10, 2005
Hola, �c�mo est� usted? - Friday, Feb. 25, 2005
a cousin once removed - Thursday, Feb. 10, 2005
creepy crawlies - Monday, Feb. 07, 2005

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