Tuesday, Oct. 08, 2002

12:12 p.m.


Men are like rubber bands. They pull away from you as soon as you start pulling them in. Then, as soon as you let go, they come running back. And with each time that this happens, it takes a shorter time for them to come running back to you until eventually they realize how much they don't ever want to pull away from you anymore. Aren't men just such fun?

Happy Drunk

My bf had a gig with one of his buds last Saturday night. Afterwards, a bunch of us strolled over to a local bar we frequent. There, I had a little drinking race with bf's best friend and guess who lost? Moi. We both had a tall glass of Mai Tai. I was already fairly buzzed from 1/4 of it and the half a bottle of Bacardi Silver from earlier during the show.

So there we were, our lips on our straws, each ready to suck. I was so buzzed that I forgot I had to suck fast since it was a race. For some reason, I thought it was trying to finish it all up instead and had nothing to do with speed. Haha. By the time I finished and looked up, bf was standing there with a grin on his face, amused at what I had just done. Next thing I know, he's standing next to me and I'm leaning up against him, all happy.

They wouldn't let me drive and we all decided to go over to bf's other friend's house on the beach. Bf drove my car with me and his best friend as passengers. On the way there, I was told had some amusing conversations with the best friend. I can't quite recall how the conversations went, but I do know that it had to do with the male genitalia. At the beach house, further conversation of the male and female genitalia continued, although I cannot remember much of that, either.

I found myself at one point picking up the Labadour puppy that came running up to me. I fell to the ground with the puppy on me, giggling. I found myself going to the bathroom and J-boy coming after me to see if I was ok. I remember closing the bathroom door after he came in and I said I needed help zipping up my pants....actually it was a safety pin that was holding up part of my belt. We got that taken care of and then I found myself pinned up against the door with BF staring at me, holding my face in his hands and then the next thing I know, we're kissing. It was nice.

Later on the next day, BF asked me if I remember us making out in the kitchen. I said, "No." I still don't remember. All I remember was asking for more and more water because I was thirsty. I also remember being really hungry and then feeling a little sick so I was leaning on BF and hugging. I remember lightly biting his neck and him saying, "That feels good." So I bit some more. He said that's when we started making out....but I don't even remember!

So that was Saturday night/Sunday morning. Everyone said I was so funny. CC-girl says I'm a happy drunk.


So Sunday evening, BF picked me up and drove us to Santa Ana where we went to see the J. Venegas show at the Galaxy. That place is awesome. We had our own cozy little booth.


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