Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2002

11:34 p.m.

Just got back from seeing Coldplay at The Greek Theatre. Great show despite having seats by the idiots behind us who were both drunk and obnoxiously high, yakking their heads off and singing so loudly preventing me from enjoying the first half of the concert.

Clapping was almost next to impossible since my hands were covering my poor ears, protecting them from the equally obnoxious, shrill-pitched whistles one of the guys was projecting.

Dirty looks didn't work. I kept turning back to give them dirty looks, as did the other people around us and they still didn't even get it, not that I expected them to get it in the condition they were in. I wanted to tell them I didn't pay to hear them sing.

J-boy told me to try and block them out of my mind, but as hard as I tried, my anger wouldn't allow me to do so.

I found myself pressing my body against the seat in front of me, thinking that an extra 4 inches would help me not hear them as much over Coldplay. It seemed to help a little. Just a little.

Luckily, the two guys disappeared after awhile and I was left to enjoy the 2nd half of the concert.

Chris Martin, singer for the band is amazing. I was like, "Wow, wow, wow," especially after The Scientist. Such talent, such passion, such charisma, such wonderful stage presence. I would love to get to know him.

Tomorrow, I'm going to buy their 2nd album, .

Oh, and I want to be a drummer! Maybe a keyboardist. Hey, I played the piano for 7-8 years.


It seems lately I've been getting ticked off rather easily.

Last night, I was so pissed off that I acquired a horrible headache. Some woman in the building next to mine was crying audaciously for a straight 3-4 hours after midnight! I mean, I went to bed at 1:30 and she was still crying at 3 in the morning!

I shut my window and I could still hear her. Then it got hot so I turned on the ac, which drowned her out a bit, but I could still hear her. Then, it got too cold so I had to turn it off. I just could not sleep. I shouted out the window, telling her to shut up but that did no good since she probably didn't even hear me. I played with the idea of calling the cops, but I didn't. J-boy told me I should have. Next time I will.

Finally, I grabbed my comforter slept in the livingroom, hoping it'd be less noisy. It wasn't. But, I stayed their on the floor, talking to Puma and eventually I fell asleep, only to wake up about an hour later when the crying stopped. Then, I crawled back into bed.

You don't just wail that loud at that time of the hour for several hours straight. At least have some common courtesy for your neighbors. Hey! I understand you may be blue, but hell, you don't need to bring your neighbors down with you. Maybe I'd understand a little better if I knew you were a crazy woman or something but then, whoever takes care of you should do something about the noise volume. Am I just being a bitch or what?


Not only have I been pissed at home and at the concert tonight, I was pissed at work today. It was just a little thing, really, but I was sooo annoyed.

See, there's this retired salesman....I'll call him F-salesman who's coming back to work shortly. He stopped by today and he'll be working in the office space behind me.

I cannot stand his voice. It's low, it's annoying, it just plain irritates me. Even after I put on my earphones and pump up the volume, I can still hear his baritone slur.

Sometimes it smells like he's wearing a whole bottle of cologne, which gives me a headache.

I am not looking forward to him sharing office space with me. I mean, he has done nothing bad to me. Nothing at all. Actually, he loves my work. The thing is he just bugs me.....all because of his voice and because sometimes he asks me stupid questions I have no answer to and even after I tell him I don't know anything about whatever he's inquiring me about he continously goes on and on about it, as if I would eventually have an answer for him.

Alright, there's a little more...he likes to give his extremely long 2 cents worth of ideas, which I just don't care to listen to for I have work to be done. Plus, I don't like being told what to do. Please, just leave the designer alone. Let me handle how something looks. Dude, you do your job and you let me do mine. Now, scurry along old man. Stop asking me for things that you need and yet you sit there chatting me up, preventing me from getting the job done sooner. Jesus. They need to put me in a different part of the building where I can actually concentrate and get work done.


Does anyone smell PMS? That is, if I am even going to get my monthly flow soon. It should have came today, but somehow it didn't.

Sometimes it comes the following day, but I am a little worried. J-boy kinda got me a little more worried about it than usual since he kept asking me if I was pregnant since I had been getting the dizzy spells late last week for a couple of days. But, you don't get dizzy spells that soon do you? If it doesn't come tomorrow, I'm going to freak. As much as I hate getting the monthly thing, I really, really, really welcome it this month!


Did you miss me? - Sunday, Jun. 12, 2005
go away, leave me alone - Thursday, Mar. 10, 2005
Hola, �c�mo est� usted? - Friday, Feb. 25, 2005
a cousin once removed - Thursday, Feb. 10, 2005
creepy crawlies - Monday, Feb. 07, 2005

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