Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2002

11:34 p.m.

"Sweet Home Alabama"

Saw a screening of that flick last night with a couple of girl friends. I love going to the movie for free before it even comes out on the big screen for the public. Let me just say that yes, indeed it is a chick flick....a rather good, funny, sweet one. This one'll be a good date flick, as well.

In fact, I think I'll be seeing it again. Turns out J-boy said he had wanted to see it, too. So while chatting online for the first time with him today, I said I wouldn't mind seeing it again with him. J-boy likes chick flicks....another reason I like him so much.

"Original Sin"

Rented it the other day but finally watched it tonight. There's a part in there where one of the guys asks Antonio Bandera's character if he loves or lusts his wife. Antonio says, "What's the difference?" The other guy explains that with lust, you just take and take and take. With love, you just want to keep giving. Antonio says, "Then it's love and lust." Well, based on this definition....I'd have to say I probably love J-boy. And in so many cases.....I think I'm always the one who wants to give, give, give. I can't help myself but to want to give and make the other happy and to feel good.

Another thought crossed my mind while I was watching the flick. See, the movie takes place in the late 1800's, where women wear corsets and big, beautiful gowns. When I saw that, I asked myself if I had the opportunity to live in the past or in the future, which one would it be? My immediate thought was the past. That would make me a romantic.

"No, I'm sorry."

A man came up to my window as a I was in the drive-thru of Del Taco today. He said he was just trying to get something to eat and if I had anything to give him. Anything. I said, "No. I'm sorry." He repeated, "Anything will do even if it's just change." Again, I said, "No." and then being somewhat annoyed, I added, "Look, the reason I came here is because it's cheap and there's a reason why I'm going for cheap food." That took care of it and he said he understood. Still, I felt like a bitch for not giving him money. Why must I feel guilty and bad that I didn't want to give? I hate that.

That reminds me....a man came running up to the parking garage gate of my building when J-boy and I were getting ready to leave the premises a few weeks ago. We heard an "Excuse me, excuse me." We turned around and see him running towards us. Immediately, I knew what he wanted. This wasn't the first time it's happened. Another man, if not the same one had done the same thing. They both had the same story...."My car broke down over there by IN N OUT and I only have $50 on me. Could you help me out and lend me some money?" Ha! I heard J-boy tell him, "No, I'm sorry." As the guy started to leave, I said loudly, "He pulled the same shit last time, at least I think it's the same guy. It's the same line." J-boy then tells me he should've told the guy, "Oh, I'm a mechanic, maybe I can take a look at it." I busted out laughing. My j-boy is such a smartie! I would've loved to know how the guy would've responded.


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