Tuesday, Aug. 20, 2002

11:41 p.m.

Highlight of the Day:

An email from a sales rep for the company telling me that I am making the company look very good and that this particular client trusts me fully in my design decisions.


After Work News:

Went home. Washed the front half of my hair and restyled it, hair up in a peacock fan with long, flowing wisps of hair down the sides of each cheek.

Drove to Tower Sunset in Hollywood to pick up a copy of the new Man� cd, Revoluci�n De Amor, along with a wrist band for this Thursday's autograph signing session. I'm still not sure I'll go, yet. If I do, I'd have to get off work early and I'm not sure I want to do that and then wait in line just for an autograph.

While at Tower Records, I spent about half an hour listening to new music and then ended up purchasing the Man� cd and the new Flaming Lips cd.

Hunger struck me as I was leaving the parking lot and I decided to grab a bite from Pink's. After passing by Pink's and not seeing parking, I decided to just go home. While doing so, I saw Canter's and suddenly had a craving for a Reuben sandwich.

So off I stopped at Canter's for a dinner all by my lonesome self. "Hey, why not?" I thought. There's nothing wrong with eating a meal by yourself in a restaurant. I ended up ordering corned beef over half a head of cabbage and one large baked potatoe. Yum. I hate half of it and took the rest home for tomorrow's lunch. On my way out, I stopped by their bakery and bought a small portion of cheesecake along with a bag of rugulas.

Once home, I called back someone whom I can't really stand who left a message twice in the last two days asking if I could help him with some sort of Mac problem and if I had a copy of so and so application that he could borrow. I'll refer to him as Pumpkin Head.

I kept the call short. I hope I didn't sound rude. I'm burning him the cd so he wouldn't have to return mine back to me.....in which case I wouldn't have to see him an extra time. I made sure I mentioned the word, "boyfriend" twice and said he could pick up the stuff "quickly" tomorrow in case he thinks I want to hang out with him. He's quite anxious to see my new place and I have no desire to spend more than 5 minutes with him. Why do I persist to be the nice person I am, willing to call back and even bother with burning him a cd?

While burning the cd, I washed dishes and listened to my Flaming Lips cd. Now, I am listening to the Man� cd. Both are quite good.

I am missing J-boy. Before, I was complaining about not getting to see him as much on the weekends. Now, I am starting to feel like I don't see him enough during the weekdays even if I get to see him the entire weekend. Ideally, I'd like to see him at least once during the weekday and then the entire weekend. He's just always so busy with work and then there's band practice and working on his music on his own. I suppose that's what it's going to be like dating a musician with a more than full-time day job. I must start to discover new things on my own during the weekdays...start painting again, reading books, etc. I must not let myself fall into a pattern where I just soley want to spend time with him.

For now, thinking of his wonderful boyish laugh, his sweet, kind eyes, and wonderful grin....of him pretending to be the Backstreet Boys and talking back to the bird on one of our hiking expeditions makes me smile. This boy will surely break my heart if things don't work out.

I think I'm going to call it a night now...perhaps go for a jog in the morning.


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go away, leave me alone - Thursday, Mar. 10, 2005
Hola, �c�mo est� usted? - Friday, Feb. 25, 2005
a cousin once removed - Thursday, Feb. 10, 2005
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