Tuesday, Nov. 27, 2001

10:15 p.m.

There are some people who can just really piss me off and I'm not one who gets pissed off that easily. In fact, most people who see me everyday tell me they can't imagine me getting mad or losing my temper.

The truth is that I do get mad but most of the time I don't show it right away. That, or I just keep it underwraps and then fume about it on here or to my good friend and coworker, DG-girl. I'm better at letting out steam by writing about it anyway.

Somehow, it makes it official to see it in the written form.


So, anyway......I got really pissed off yesterday. Right away, too. It was after lunch, just as I came back into the office after throwing away my trash. I sat back down at our lunch table and then LM-girl came up to me. She says, "You know Rachel, I think I finally figured out why you always get guys who hit on you at grocery stores."

And I thought quietly to myself, "Ok, why is she bringing this up?" and then I say, "Why do you think?" She says in a tone like she's not trying to offend me, but at the same time, I know she's purposely trying to put me down, "Well....it's just that....well, you look like a nice person....like you wouldn't hurt anyone....that's the ONLY reason I can think of because...I mean, I never get approached by men the way you do."

And me......me, while half-laughing inside, think "Hell, I get hit on because a lot of men think I'm attractive. Isn't that the main reason why a girl gets hit on in the first place by complete strangers? Because of her physical appearance or the way she carries herself?

Also, when I get hit on, that's what they tell me, so I'm wondering why LM-girl would be dwelling on this subject matter. And, the only thing I can think of is that it bothers her so much that she doesn't get hit on the way I do, so she's jealous and wants to put me down.

LG-girl is also fairly tall for a female....I think 5'10", which in a way intimidates most guys I know. Plus, she doesn't exactly have a cute, petite figure. She's thin, but her butt and belly really do stick out and she looks like she slouches a lot. I mean, she can look real pretty at times, but that's when she's all made up. Otherwise, she just looks like plain Jane with curly locks. At work, we all call her "Princess" behind her back just because, well, she used to keep reminding us that she's daddy's pretty little Jewish princess.

Anyway, DG-girl at work also gets hit on by guys quite a lot. In fact, she gets it even more than I do.

Everywhere she goes, heads turn and almost anybody can see why. I mean, she's one of those lucky girls who has this really voluptous shape, great thick hair, and a pretty face. Basically....she's like a neon sign that's screaming, "Stop.....sex kitten approaching."

Also to note: DG-girl and I both have exotic looks, whereas LM-girl does not. In other words, some people might say DG-girl and I possess that "Fuckable" look (we know it, but we don't flaunt it), whereas LM-girl is just a tall, power-hungry, white, curly top tree.

Sometimes, LM-girl and DG-girl have to travel together for work and DG-girl tells me LM-girl is always rudely muttering, "Why do you always get all the attention? I just don't get it."

And that....that is just sooo rude because you don't say something like that since it makes the other person feel uncomfortable. It's selfish.

But, what really, really, really blew my top was when I heard over the grapewine that LM-girl told another co-worker (DD-girl, who's Filipino & quite a hott babe, too.) that Asian girls are typically weak people. I was fuming. How dare she put us Asian females down like that.....especially since all the ones in the office are actually fairly well-spoken ones with high positions in the workplace.

She's basically one of those people who likes to make others look bad in order to make herself feel good.

What a bitch!

If I were a truly mean, heartless person I would go right ahead and tell LM-girl exactly why men don't hit on her. I bet that'll make her cry. And trust me, I and other people have made her cry before when peer reports went around last year.

The main point here is that it's not nice to directly put down people in front of others for no good reason other than to boost your own ego.


So, Thunderstorm is back home in the states and I'm glad he got back in one piece. I do have a question to ask him since he brought it up in a recent update: Thunder, did you have sex with a Japanese girl at any point during your trip? Or, at least thought about it? Ok, that's two questions. Heh.


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Did you miss me? - Sunday, Jun. 12, 2005
go away, leave me alone - Thursday, Mar. 10, 2005
Hola, �c�mo est� usted? - Friday, Feb. 25, 2005
a cousin once removed - Thursday, Feb. 10, 2005
creepy crawlies - Monday, Feb. 07, 2005

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