Tuesday, Mar. 19, 2002

12:32 a.m.


Hiking-boy still has not called despite him saying he'll call either Sunday night or Monday night via Sunday's email.

Instead, he wrote an email around dinner time tonight (Monday) and again mentioned how he has been swamped with all these band rehearsals every night, interviewing for a teaching position, and now training.

He says this week will be hectic, but he would like to get together for dinner or something this weekend. So he asked how my weekend looks. Then he signed off mentioning that he was off to band rehearsal. The email was sent around 6:19p.m.

Also, I had sent him this picture:

He said, "You actually looked very sexy in your photo, nice pose. And well your cat looked like quite the character." I wrote him back and said as a joke, "You mean to tell me I didn't look sexy in person or in my other pics?" I will have to see what he says to that. Do I really look sexy here? I thought it was a sweet picture, but I don't mind sexy. Sexy is good. :)

In a way, I'm glad he didn't make any sort of "sexy" comment until now because otherwise, I would have felt a bit odd about it and he would just be like all the other guys. He started out with safer words like "cute," "goodlooking," and "great."

So, I wrote back and mentioned that I had a birthday thing to attend Saturday night, but Friday and Sunday are still open. Then, I get an email from my friend, Keith who says he's going to have his birthday get-together Friday evening. So, that leaves just Sunday open, which is not bad. I like my weekend days filled. Also, then it would seem like I do have a life afterall and not always "available." You men like a little chase, right? Oh, but I do hate playing the games. Is this playing games?

I sure wouldn't mind inviting him along to the Saturday thing since I won't be staying there that long anyway, but would it seem too soon to bring him to such an event where a coworker is throwing herself a birthday bash and where my boss will be attending, as well? And if I do ask him and he agrees....well, then would it be too much if I mention hiking together the next day?

Fudge! I just want to get it on and not have to do all this foul-guessing game I'm torturing myself with.

Why is it that my two girl friends find it fishy that he hasn't called nor been more anxious to get-together and that the guys all keep saying, "Oh, give him some time." Do I trust the girls more on this or the guys? The girls are making me feel hopeless and the guys are making me feel hopeful. So what is it? My gut feeling is up in a toss, split half and half. Perhaps I am just being too impatient. Yes? No?


Did you miss me? - Sunday, Jun. 12, 2005
go away, leave me alone - Thursday, Mar. 10, 2005
Hola, �c�mo est� usted? - Friday, Feb. 25, 2005
a cousin once removed - Thursday, Feb. 10, 2005
creepy crawlies - Monday, Feb. 07, 2005

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