Tuesday, Mar. 25, 2003

11:15 p.m.


Guess what I am chewing and sucking on at the moment? That's right, bobas! I love that slightly sweet squishy taste of of bobas.

I bow to the creater of bobas.


At work today, my boss told me that the president of a very huge and well-known company (also one of our biggest clients), said that my newly released promo booklet was, "bitchin awesome." I felt like the queen of graphic design. I felt like a diva. Put me on a pedestal and make me the creative director, why don't you? Heh.

Lately, I've been doing some really great work and I'm quite happy with myself as far as my design and conceptual abilities fall. It's a great feeling.


Lately, when I read or hear about our young marines dying, I feel great sadness and tears start to well up my eye sockets.

To be 20, to be 25, to be 30 just seems far too young for dying. To be a father, to be a son, to be a husband, to be a lover and have to die in what seems like such a wasteful way breaks my heart, especially when I hear it was just an accident. I cannot imagine my father, my brother, or my boyfriend in such a scenario and I feel for all those who are affected firsthand by this war. It's funny, but I do not know anyone personally who is a soldier, fighting for our country.

I am here, at home, typing away, drinking boba, and in comfort. It doesn't seem fair that our young men are out there fighting, facing the possiblity of death when I am here in such luxury. I have a bed and fresh linen while they have a bunk or a dirt road to sleep on.

War. It just feels so wrong.


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