

and so my ride continues on cloud 9. *smiles*

friday morning came just like any other morning, only that 15 minutes after i entered the office, our receptionist calls me on the intercom saying, "rachel, there's something here for you." as i walk on down the flight of stairs toward the front office, someone says, "uh, oh, this has got to be serious!" i didn't comprehend what he meant by that since i had not seen what he had just seen in the front office.

so, i walk down the hallway to the front office and there right in front of sweet d, our receptionist, was a huge, flowing bouquet of white orchids in a clear, round, glass vase.

"my god, is that for me?!" i exclaimed. she smiled at me and anxiously told me to open the card. so, i did. and as i presumed, it was he, the boy who's been so kind and romantic towards me like no other boy has for years.

the boy sent me flowers!!!!!!! no boy other than the latest official ex has sent me flowers. wow. shocked, i was. surprised i was. the best part was that these flowers were not the typical, boring, unoriginal roses that most boys send girls. that boy has taste, i tell ya! really good, simple, taste.

the note said, "the contender friday. talk to you soon. signed boy's name of which i will not reveal."

so, as i was just about to call the sweet boy just to say thanks, he calls me! and, did i thank him. he tells me they were supposed to have arrived the day before and when i had not called him yesterday, he became worried, paranoid, and all sorts of bad thoughts entered his head like, "what if she doesn't like me? what if she thinks it was too much? what if ....this and that?" he tells me how he thought of me all day yesterday, wondering why i hadn't called. it was all so sweet. he had even called twice earlier before i got into the office, just to see if the flowers had arrived. heh. sometimes, it's good to make the boy wait and wonder even if you had not meant to make him wait and wonder. *smile*

so, come that night, he came and picked me up so that we could go see a screening of "the contender." we found a good parking spot across the street of the screen actor's guild. he grabbed my hand as we walked. how sweet. *sigh* i like it when a boy will just hold my hand like i am his.

the contender is good, but a bit slow to start. i did find myself yawning and becoming drowsy during the first half hour or so, but then it gets better. and, oh my gosh! christian slater is so darn cute! that smile. so sweet. so full of boyish charm, yet all man!

then, come saturday, he made me blueberry waffles and farmer john sausages. whoa! he is cooking me breakfast! we decided to take his dog, leo for a hike. and a hike it was.

as i huffed and puffed, the boy and his dog hiked up in front of me, waiting for me every so often, since i am so out of shape. he'd smile at me....you know, the type of smile that says, "heh. i like you. you're cute. i like seeing that you are trying. you are a tough girl unlike most girls who would whine and give up altogether."

i tell him i don't like to show weakness. if he's not holding mine hand, helping me climb up the steep, dirt road, i'm showing him that i can do just fine without any help. call me stubborn. call me independent. call me a tomboy. just don't call me a girlygirl, cuz that, i ain't. he admires that.

we reach the top and look down upon hollywood. wow. it was amazing. you could see everything. we could see park la brea where i used to live. we could see the dome. we could see the grifith observatory. we could see downtown la. we could see santa monica. we could see the length of sunset blvd.

we sat up there atop the dirt hill as dogs and owners jogged on by, every other one coming up to sniff us out. i have never seen so many different dogs in one day. akitas, german shepards, bloodhounds, poodles, chihuahuas.....you name it.

as we hiked our way back down, we decided to make dinner together. heh. this is sorta nice. so, off to the local ralphs we went. he held my hand as we walked in, him pushing a grocery cart.

he picked out avocados as we had decided to make taco burritos. yes, that's right. taco burritos is what was to be made. it is all the ingredients of a taco except the hard, corn tortilla is replaced with a flour tortilla and then rolled up like a burrtio. he made dinner as i baked homemade chocolate chip/raisin cookies. the appetizing smell of grilled onions and homemade cookies filled the house. it was the smell of home comfort.

we ate dinner with beer and watched "crazy alabama" on HBO. good 'ol cable tv. if you haven't watched "crazy alabama," i highly suggest you do. you'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll smile, you'll feel good, you'll feel angry, you'll just be a big mess of emotions because it is that good. a good high five to antonio banderas, for i believe it is his directing debut.

so, this weekend, saturday to be exact, this boy is joining me for the 7th annual dream halloween, an event thrown by CAAF (Children Affected By AIDS Foundations) at the santa monica airport. i happen to have a pair of $300 tickets since i helped design and do the production for all of their printed pieces this year. tickets are limited, but i earned it. i slaved for 3 months working pretty much alone on the entire project. celebrities, ghosts & goblins will all be there and i am excited! woohoo!

visitesol and see what he's been up to this weekend. hopefully, he's recovered from headbunking. hee-hee. ha-ha. heh-heh.

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Did you miss me? - Sunday, Jun. 12, 2005
go away, leave me alone - Thursday, Mar. 10, 2005
Hola, �c�mo est� usted? - Friday, Feb. 25, 2005
a cousin once removed - Thursday, Feb. 10, 2005
creepy crawlies - Monday, Feb. 07, 2005

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