Tuesday, May. 27, 2003

11:07 p.m.

Ok, second entry in one night....this one is a spur of the moment thought that just kinda hit me and I want a record of it.

It just dawned on me how funny in a silly way it is that all these weblogs, online journals and diaries list:

music of the moment, book of the moment, movie of the moment, game of the moment, etc....

For a second, I'm thinking, "God, what dorks! and then I'm thinking, "Who the fuck cares what you're currently listening to, reading, or watching!"

And then finally, I'm thinking, "Ah,maybe it's just part of this whole online weblog/journal deal."

But then, I wonder, "Is it just a normal part of keeping a weblog?" or "Did someone just decide to start listing those things on the side bar of their weblog/journal and then everyone one else followed cuz they thought it was kinda neat to let everyone know who they are currently listening to or reading or what movie they just saw?"

Sometimes, I think it's cool to find out stuff like that, but then other times, I see it and I think, "Who cares, you weblog/journal dork!"

Ok, I shall shutup now. I mean, why the hell do I keep an online journal for strangers to read? I'm sure some people who don't understand this sort of thing would think I'm a dork for doing so...so yeah, I'm a dork in this way. But, that's ok. There's some sort of dork in all of us. Some people are just a bit more dorkier than others and I just admitted to being a dork.

Oh, and while I'm still on the topic...I think online communities are kinda dorky, too. I never thought of it that way until this very moment. I used to think it was cool...how people can connect like this and then meet up in real life in large groups...but now that I'm thinking about it, it's kinda all so dorky. I don't know why. I just think it is. I guess maybe it's just all getting kinda old or just becoming the norm.

I mean I wonder if people who spend a large amount of time communicating online and collecting thoughts online actually have "traditional" friends...you know, like friends they met via the workplace, school, through other friends and not via the web. Or do the majority of them only have friends who they met through some sort of online community and then they later formed a friendship offline to hangout in groups?

Interesting thoughts for myself.


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