Saturday, Nov. 09, 2002

10:29 a.m.

Secondary Infection

One month. That's one whole month of having a damn cold. It started to go away two weeks after it started, but I noticed it was still lagging around. Then bam! It started up again. The doc says my cold developed into a secondary infection and now I'm on antibiotics for the next 10 days. Actually, it's another 7 more days even though I feel fine now. What's wrong with my immune system? Why couldn't I have fought it off? Boyfriend's still a bit sick, too, mostly congested. He probably needs antibiotics, too but that boy is just way to busy to even make time for a doc's appointment.

Toyko Delves & Chicken Dance

Went to the Toykyo Delves in North Hollywood for a friend's surprise b-day dinner thrown by her sweetie boyfriend last night. He's so sweet that he made her a tea tree out of tea bags. On each bag was a number of importance to them and a meaning for each. I think these two are going to get married. They've only been together a few months and love is floating in the air. He's won a truckload of brownie points with us.

I wanted to join in on the chicken dance but I was too sober to do so. I am a chicken. Later, the waiters and waitresses had everyone in the restaurant get up on our chairs and dance to some music of which I do not know. It was fun. The Plum wine was yummy. I could used some more now.

Special Herbs & Old Notes

After I go home last night, I was desperately craving for some special herbs but I could not find the stash that I had. I do not know where it went. For some reason I think I hid it after I started going out with boyfriend. I might even have given it away or even thrown it out. While looking for the stash, I came across a box of pictures and old letters from past boyfriends. I started looking through them and reading some of the letters and notes. Old memories came flooding back and made me realize how much I miss the feeling of calling a significant other cutesy names and saying, "I love you." It was then that I realized how much boyfriend #2 was into me. It was all over his letters and the notes he hid around my room that would eventually lead to a special surprise and a final note that would read, "I love you Bang-bang!" I forgot he used to call me Bang-bang, Squeaker, Puss-puss, Honey-baby, and so forth.

I also found some old drawings on small note paper from the 3rd boyfriend. It cracked me up seeing them again. One was an owl with scraggly hair sticking up all over that was supposed to be me. We had seen The Thin Red Line and there was a scene with the silhoette of an owl. I remember he started laughing and said it looked like me. The other drawing was a weird creature with pirahna teeth that looked like me and it read, " Clean up your room or I will bite you under the desk!"

In a way, I miss being thought of as cute, cuddly creatures.


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