
Thunderstorm - 2002-07-04 16:19:32
Na, you're not being sensitive, you're just dealing with some insensitive louts.
a-d-d-chick - 2002-07-05 13:11:43
No, you're not being sensitive. I think your answers are good because you're educating people. There is probably no malice behind what they're saying, but it's ignorant & insensitive & would bug me,too. I think because American culture gets a bad rap, people tend to romanticize about the cultures we're decended from--eveyone is curious. But I'd be irritated to constantly have people asking me based on how I look! I can see when they hear a name...Lin, is that Chinese? The other day, my bf was walking down the street and some guy rushed to him, "Are you Korean?!" Confused, BF said "No" and the guy just ran on. Weird.

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