Sunday, Aug. 25, 2002

7:55 p.m.

Saturday was a blast. I woke up 5 minutes before the alarm went off, let the cat in my room so he could bounce on me. I laid in bed for about 10 minutes with Puma nuzzling my neck and walking on my belly. Then the phone rang. I knew who it was before I even went to pick it up. J-boy!

This Saturday wake-up call between the hours of 10:30a.m. and 11:30a.m. is becoming routine and I rather like it. It's nice to wake up in the morning and the first person you get to talk to for the day is the boy that you have such a crush on.

So J-boy asks if I'd like to go hang out before he had to pick up his sister from camp. Of course I said, "yes." Then he asked if I'd also like to go see XXX after he gets his sister home.

We decided to go shopping, but it never happened. We had a little detour in the bedroom once I arrived at his place. Heh. Afterwards, we got hungry and went to Soup Plantation at the Beverly Connection for lunch.

We had a nice conversation over lunch exchanging stories of our ex's before we headed upstairs to Circuit City where we window-shopped a bit. We both stopped by the cell phone section and while here a friendly lady came up to us and showed her little Sony palm pilot type of thingie to you. It was so cool. The gadget could even take a picture of you and send it in email. It costs about $500. I have got to get me one of those. After that, we wondered to other parts of the store. Me in the digital camera and camcorder section and him in the dvd player section.

Finally Jorge comes up to me and say, "We gotta go. I have to go get my sister." It was already 3:30 and his sister was due to arrive between 3:30 and 4:00 in Culver City. I asked him if he'd just like for me to drive us there and pick her up together since we were running behind schedule. He happily accepted and I found myself excited to be a part of helping him out with a family situation.

We drove my McD's to get her some food before dropping her off at home.

Then, we went to the Arclight theatre to watch XXX. What a great action-packed flick. Loved it. Oooh and that Vin Diesel is sooo cute! By the time the movie ended it was already 7:30. We had to rush back to his place so he could change and then we rushed back to my place so I could change. We were meeting K-boy and AM-boy for dinner over on Sawtelle. After dinner, the 4 of use packed into my little Jetta and picked up CC-girl at her place. From there we went to World Cafe to meet up with the rest of K-boy and J-boy's friends. I had a great time and met some cool guys. There were only 3 of us chickees floating within our party of 15 people or so.

J-boy told me later that the two friends I had been talking to most of the night thought I was really cool. Woohoo! They said I was nice. It's nice to know that his buddies approve of me. One of them told me I was a good catch and said it'd be a shame if J-boy ever let me go. That made me blush and smile. At one point he asked CC-girl what my best quality was and she answered without even hestitating, "a kind heart." Then he asked me what I thought CC-girl's best quality was and I couldn't answer right away. I felt horrible and had to say something along the lines of how she has so many great qualities that not just one sticks out, but for sure she's got great style in every way, especially when it comes to design and fashion sense. My ass was saved.

I can't wait to see J-boy about an hour or so. We might go rent a movie and just chill. Both of us had spent the day with our families.


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