Monday, Jul. 08, 2002

8:38 p.m.

Since I started working at my new job, I almost never check personal email until I get home. There's just not enough time or incentive to do so at work. I take that as a rather good sign.

At my old workplace, I was always constantly checking personal email, hoping there would be something waiting for me. I was always so bored or didn't have much to do at the previous workplace so it's a nice change not feeling the urge to check email every 10 minutes.

Now, when I get home, there's like 21 pieces of mail waiting for me, almost all junkmail. No, I do not want to know I'm the winner of a new business opportunity. No, I do not want free condoms and lubrication. No, I do not want the best and hottest girls on the net. No, I do not need to go on some sort of special weight loss plan to lose 100 lbs...if I did, I'd end up weighing as much as Puma cat. No, I am not sinking in debt. No, no, no, no.


I am going to start going through my belongings and see what I can sell before my big move at the end of the month. Currently, I have made a list of things I'd like to sell and I'm sure I'll find more:

Drafting Table w art tray - $60
Folding Card Table w/4 matching chairs - $10
Large Ikea Rug - $15
Black Fan - $5
2 Clamp Lamps (1 fluorescent, 1 regular) - $5 each
Papsan Chair w/foot stool (covered with cat hair..not recommended for those allergic to cats) -$5
Clothes (grab bag/shopping bag size) - $25/bag
Power Computing Mac clone (PowerTower Pro 200) w/many applications - $200
Computer speakers - $5
Tape Recorder - $5

Hmmm.....does anyone know how much a Power Computing PowerTower Pro 200 might go for these days? I still have to check the amount of memory I have on there, plus the OS version, and which applications are on there. Plus, I have tons of software to sell. I've been checking on e-bay to see how much people are selling them for, but haven't a whole lot to go on.


My newest musical discovery is Man�. Oh, how I love Man�. I can't understand a single word of Spanish, but I love it all the same. They're so beautiful, romantic, and sad at the same time. J-boy told me the track, Como Dueles en Los Labios is about a woman who waits and waits at the beach for her lover to return. Her lover promises to come back and he never does. She stays there until she is an old woman and her hair turns gray. It's a really touching song. And how I want so much to learn Spanish now, not just to be able to sing along to Latin pop rock, but that also means being able to watch Spanish soaps and it'd be great to speak to J-boy in Spanish. For some reason, I have a tendency to date guys who have some sort of Latin background. Being able to communicate to someone's parent's whose first language is Spanish would be nice.


Oooh, how I want to hold his face in my hands and just stare into his eyes....
Oooh, how I want to kiss his lovely lips ever so gently....
Oooh, how I want to just lie there on the grass, staring up at the sky, holding hands & sharing childhood stories...
Oooh, how I want to dance and waltz around with him like Cinderella....

I am such a sap, 100% romantic.


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go away, leave me alone - Thursday, Mar. 10, 2005
Hola, �c�mo est� usted? - Friday, Feb. 25, 2005
a cousin once removed - Thursday, Feb. 10, 2005
creepy crawlies - Monday, Feb. 07, 2005

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