

Hey! My entry from May 5th was posted on someone's web log the other day. Now, I have all these readers. So, someone out there thinks I'm witty. Being witty is good. But for some reason I wanted to make sure so I ran and grabbed my dictionary just to see the EXACT definition (even though I knew what the word means). It says, 1. Possessing or demonstrating wit in speech or writing; very clever and humorous 2. Characterized by or having the nature of wit; a witty saying. 3. Quick to discern and express amusing insights.

So, I'm thinking, "Oh, cool....I am clever and humorous!" So, then, I go and look up the definition of wit. It says, 1. The natural ability to perceive or know; intelligence. 2.a. Keenness of perception or discernment; ingenuity b. Sound mental faculties; sanity 3.a. The ability to perceive and express in an ingeniously humorous manner the relationship of similarity between seemingly incongruous or disparate things. b. One noted for this ability, esp. one skilled in repartee.

Well, the definition is actually much, much longer.....say a good quarter of a page, so I won't bore any of you with more of it's definition, but if you would like to read more into it, do help yourself to a copy of "The American Heritage Dictionary." You CANNOT find this at Ralphs. Sorry Ralphs. For once, I am letting you down.

I'm thinking, "This is good. Very good news. I am happy to know that someone out there thinks this of me." Thanks to Robotgirl, the person who linked me to her site, I now have a few more readers. =) Unfortunately, no one has yet written me. Someone write me!

I am such a silly girl for getting excited over these little things.

Last night, I went to see Beck at the Greek Theatre in Grifith Park. It was my first official concert. I say 'official' because it was paid for.

My friend's sister and her boyfriend calls me up an hour before the concert starts and asks me if I'd like to go since they have an extra ticket. At first I almost said no since I didn't want to be a 3rd wheeler, but then I thought better of it and decided to take advantage of the opportunity. Hey, the ticket was paid for by someone else and here's my opportunity to finally go to a concert. Why, not, right? They came over to pick me up and little did I know there was going to be a 'date' for me. :0 Well, it wasn't meant to be that way intitially, but it sure felt like a blind date. I was not, in the least bit physically attracted to this guy, although he does have a great sense of humor and I had a great time.

'James' asked me what I do for a living and since I had a beer, I was in a 'what do you think I do for a living' mood. He guesses that I'm a model or actress. Ha! Right! It didn't bother me since I took that as a hint that it was meant more as a compliment. We decide to go to Chan Dara's for a late meal, but they were closed. So, we headed on over to Melrose and ended up at El Luna. (i think that's what it is called) El Luna from the outside seems like a tiny little place, but it's actually pretty big. There's a nice hidden patio in the back. I'd say it's a great place to go for dinner with a date. They provide you with crayons and a 'paper' table cloth to draw on.

Yeah, so, since I was pretty comfortable with these people, I was able to be myself and joke around. Yes, I was 'witty' and got quite a few laughs with my responses. I was not intimidated by James and so I was able to ridicule him in a light-hearted way. I hate how I always clam up when I'm in company of a guy I'm interested in and then when I'm not in the company of someone I'm not interested in, I'm at my best. James wanted to know what my e-mail was so I couldn't lie and gave it to him. Today, while I was online, he sends me an IM (instant message) and asks me if I would like to go see a movie. "Great," I thought. So, me, being the nice person I am asks if I could take a raincheck, not thinking about digging myself into a bigger hole. He then asks what day I would be available. So, I tell him that we could discuss that the next time he catches me online. So, now I'm worrying about him catching me online. Of course, I could always block him from seeing me online. Oh, but that's just so mean. Ok, I'm going to just make it clear to him that I'm only interested in being friends and nothing more. It's not nice to lead someone on even if you don't mean to. I know that feeling and it sucks. Afterall, he paid for the concert ticket. I owe him the truth.

Today, I went to another housewarming BBQ party. This time in West La. I bought another Swiffer starter kit for my friend. She loved it. We ended up using it throughout the day. Everyone else there is going to go buy one for themselves. The Swiffer people should pay me for this.

Despite the BBQ party being fun, it depressed me. This was a different set of friends and half of them are just about to get married. Hearing them talk about the married life and seeing how happy they are made me wonder what I am doing wrong. Agh! "Nothing" they say. "You just haven't met the right person, yet."

The first 'unofficial' concert I ever attended was a No Doubt concert held at CSU Fullerton about 3 years ago. I was a student there at the time and No Doubt decided to have an almost unannouced free concert on our performing arts lawn since the band's lead singer and some of her band members used to attend classes at CSUF. Some of my friends even had a few classes with Gwen Stefani. (She studied graphic design like I did.)

My friends and I, plus a bunch of fans camped overnight on campus just to make sure we got a good spot the next day. Let me just say that the mosh pits are real scary! It got pretty crazy and somehow our big group of friends all ended up seperated. Within minutes, I was gasping for air, panicking, and trying to push my way out of the smashing crowd. Talk about being claustrophobic. I was fighting for my life not to get pushed into the mosh pits, hanging onto two of my friends, one being 6 ft tall and another one being 5'3" and clinging onto his rolled-up sleeping bag. Somehow, they disappeared and I found myself alone in the middle of the massive crowd of jumping and bouncing fans. I remember all kinds of bodies smashing into me.....strange asses, breasts, arms, legs, faces, heads all bouncing off of my body. After what seemed like an eternity, I finally found my way out. When the performance ended, several people were injured and a paramedic was called to the scene. A little girl had her arm broken because some idiots thought it was fun to kick and stump on fallen people. No, mosh pits and pushing crowds are not my thing.

Speaking of No Doubt, I have met and partied with Eric Stefani twice. (Gwen's big bro) The 1st party was held at a co-worker's home and one of the artists had brought along Eric. The 2nd time I saw Eric was at my ex-boyfriend's graduation party. That time, I actually got to hear him sing and play on the piano after most of the guests had gone home. Let me just say that Eric Stefani is a really quiet, mellow guy who seems almost depressed and exhausted. Maybe that is what happens when your band has become well-known.


Did you miss me? - Sunday, Jun. 12, 2005
go away, leave me alone - Thursday, Mar. 10, 2005
Hola, �c�mo est� usted? - Friday, Feb. 25, 2005
a cousin once removed - Thursday, Feb. 10, 2005
creepy crawlies - Monday, Feb. 07, 2005

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